Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Road Trip Part 1!

A week ago, Sam and I left Fort Worth for a little road trip through some of the Southern States. There are a couple of purposes to our road trip:
1. To visit several families and friends across these states and talk to them about joining our support team.
2. Taking advantage of the last month of summer left to see some of our beautiful country!
3. Why not travel?! We love it, and we're having a blast!

We're halfway through it, and here's some of our adventures thus far!

Hitting the road! Please note Sam's use of my Chanel sunglasses. Forgot his own...
Visiting New Orleans! Complete with a stop at Cafe du Monde and the French Quarter.
A beautiful, yet hot and humid visit.

Onto Tennessee!! We are actually spending the majority of our time in this
beautiful state and are thoroughly enjoying every moment of it!

Finally, we visited a friend from TCU in Chattanooga, TN.
Got ourselves roped into a crazy hike to a waterfall…
hornet stings and spider bites included.

Onto Nashville, the northern half of Tennessee, and then Arkansas and Oklahoma next. Stay tuned for updates and thanks for keeping up with us!!


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